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Your key to a greener supply chain

Muir AITM provides you the intelligence needed to reduce emissions and improve your bottom line

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Supply chains are complex.

Procurement teams are required to make business critical decisions with limited insight. This lack of transparency drives to higher cost of goods purchased and an inability to meet sustainability initiatives.

This is where Muir comes in. Leveraging data fusion and machine learning, Muir generates actionable data to explore key sourcing opportunities, add leverage to supplier negotiations and find hidden opportunities to reduce emissions.

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Yellow icon with a white money symbol

Cost efficient

Muir is able to run its automated services at scale, allowing for an ROI measured in months while enabling needle moving emission reductions.

Yellow icon with a white bar chart icon with arrow up

Improved Impact Insight

Companies gain the ability to understand how and where there goods are made, generating the ability to identify key opportunities to take on price and emissions.

Yellow icon with white graph

Action oriented results

Whether a company is evaluating suppliers, products, or material selection, Muir provides the granular data and analytics they need to systematically engage with their supply chain and manage their roadmap.

Leverage existing data

Muir estimates the material flow, trade paths and impact of a supply chain with the data corporations already have, making it easy to get results.

A table of procurement data and bill of lading data

Rich data & analytics

Through Muir's Intelligence Platform, you have access to deep data and insights that will allow you to be informed decisions regarding your suppliers, margin and products.

Flow diagram breaking down the overall emission
A map of the region of southern china representing the carbon impact potential

Optimize your strategy

With Muir, you will have actionable data to create a roadmap based on your supply chain. Muir's insights help corporations to identify the highest priority suppliers and products and focus their interventions.

Our mission is to catalyze emission reduction at the gigaton scale.


Average contribution of a corporation's footprint from their supply chain.

9 of 10

Corporations do not have a comprehensive understanding of their carbon emissions.


of upstream emissions come from Tier 2+ suppliers


of Publicly traded companies have Scope 3 reduction goals.

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